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Vicoli (Pe)
085. 845274

Eventi e Fiere

route "Valle Peligna"

A short distance from Sulmona, cittadina rich in art and history, which was the birthplace of the poet Ovid, lying in Peligna and surrounded by wooded mountains, right on the slopes of Mount Plaia stretches Introdacqua, a quaint and charming medieval city, which combines natural landscapes of stunning beauty to interesting historical and artistic traditions as well as the typical female costume with headdress "mandricchia" that women are used to show off the country proud with pride during the holidays. Majestic high tower which dominates the walled and almost seems to want to protect the six churches in the country: including one dedicated to San Giovanni Battista, with frescoes of the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries, the Madonna delle Grazie, where the imposing facade contrasts with the modest interior which houses a single painting of St. Anthony in 1844. Other highlights include the Church of SS. Trinity Baroque ornaments, statues and precious paintings, with the Church of the Romanesque portal, paintings and sculptures of baroque style, the style of the facade and the altar of the Church of the inside with a painting of the Coronation Virgin.Beautiful "Old Fountain" dated 1706 with seven masks and valuable Trasmondi the Palace of ancient origin, now used as housing. Introdacqua, famous for its traditional marching bands, offers in July, an intense program of art and culture.

A few miles from here, surrounded by a unique landscape, untouched and wild, we find Raia. Women's place in the cool summer evenings we meet every night in front of the door of the house to tell with precise details and detailed legend of St. Venanzio who lived together with the teacher Porphyry in perfect solitude in the hermitage that still bears his name . A sacred place, which stands at the point where the gorges of the mountain almost entirely covered by lush vegetation, huddle in a unique and unforgettable. In the ancient church of the fifteenth century, the whole crowd of pilgrims, in an ancient ritual of penance and purification that has been perpetuated over time, come together to rub the rock touched by the Holy and take the holy stairway that leads to the ancient river Aterno .In the Chapel of the Seven Marie you can admire a statue, "The Lamentation of Christ" which dates back to 1510 and is in polychrome. A statue of San Venancio, which dates back to 600 and kept in the parish church of the country along with a statue of the Madonna della Neve of 400, to the "Dead Christ" the '700 and valuable remarks on the slab of the altar ' VIII century. Beautiful wooden Baroque altar in the Church of Sant 'Onofrio and interesting plaque commemorating the solar eclipse of 1567. A country full of surprises, also known for its production of oil and wine as well as cherries, which is dedicated in May, a festival that annually attracts a crowd of gourmets.

A short distance from the foot of Mount Raiano Castellano is famous for a fragrant, dense pine forest, lies victory in an area of ​​lush vegetation called "Belvedere Peligno. A wonderful mix of old, perfectly preserved natural beauty and traditions to which you add the famous grape production tasty, which makes this country an attractive destination to reach.Nature that occurs in beautiful landscapes to be known in a long, healthy walks and maybe even on horseback, Vittorito also offers artistic and historical itineraries internal respectable. It starts from the top with the ruins of the castle to get to the many churches scattered throughout the country.

We continue our journey and we move further north, where little more than 80 kilometers from L'Aquila, very close to the border with the province of Pescara, lies the scenic village of Castelvecchio Calvisio, an ancient feud County Celano. Its origins go away over the centuries is evidenced by the urban structure of the country and some very old buildings that have withstood the time. In the serene and tranquil village shows the beautiful parish church of San Giovanni Battista, dating back to 400. Of interest is the artistic renaissance sculpture of the Madonna and Child, while the altar is clearly baroque style. Castelvecchio Calvisio is a predominantly agricultural country and, in August, celebrates the grass pea, a crop of typical and distinctive place in the festive "festival of grass pea"




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