Aziende consigliatePianella
085.971329 - 9720342
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route “Toccolano”
Majella is there as a fantastic picture that only a skilled artist could paint. Strong and intense colors of lush trees and shrubs that break the monotony of the gray rock, while a soft, white blanket of snow will whiten the mountains during the winter months. We're going to enjoy this unique landscape in Tocco da Casauria, the country where he was born painter Francesco Paolo Michetti, remembered today in his home-museum. We are on a plateau at the foot of the Morrone, not far from the famous Gorges of Popoli. The important town in the province of Pescara is best known for here is the famous "green fire", the strong and aromatic liquor Centerbe. But not everyone knows the artistic and architectural beauty of its churches. Real gems, like the Church of Our Lady of Grace having in its main facade a stone portal and a rose halo. Typically, the Renaissance Church of San Domenico, with its classical portal of the late sixteenth century, while presenting an outsider in the baroque church of Saint-Eustache, but with a neoclassical interior with three aisles, where stands the large painting dedicated to ' image of the saint.We go up now in the top to see the Castle of Tocco da Casauria dating from the late twelfth century, later called the Palazzo Ducale. Fly your imagination roam free as soon as we enter its ancient walls, in the beautiful hall of ceremonies or the most austere and cold basement. Here, time really seems to have stopped, as well as in the old convent of the Observance, which dominates the country. There stands, adjoining the Church of Our Lady of Paradise: its interior is richly decorated with paintings and sculptures in the Baroque style, are of great artistic value.
We continue our journey in this little corner of paradise and head north. After crossing the river Pescara immediately meet the village of Torre de 'Passeri, named for the tower, built on the banks of the river to protect the village, seems to have been very pleasing to the sparrows. Like any self-respecting ancient citadel, even here there is a castle built in the Middle Ages (XIV sec.) And then expanded in the second half of the eighteenth century.The large and beautiful structure, known as the "house of Dante in Abruzzo", is used for several years as a venue for major exhibitions and conferences focused on the figure of the great Tuscan poet. No less interesting is the imposing Cathedral of Santa Maria delle Grazie with its peculiarity of the twin towers and its nice inside, with a Latin cross plan, where we admire ornate side chapels and a stained-glass window in the apse wall. A Torre de 'Passeri the most important holidays we meet in the traditional carnival parade of floats and in September during the festivities and exhibitions Dante. Of course before you leave remember to enjoy the best Moscato white wine produced in this area.
Our journey continues and continues in the green valleys along the river Pescara. It is about the journey that leads us to the fertile hill where the ancient Castrum ad Piscariam today Castiglione Casauria. Right here we find one of the most important religious monuments in Abruzzo, the beautiful Romanesque Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria. Like other churches, this one was born on the ruins of a pagan temple, dedicated to Hercules.Its origin dates from the ninth century and after many vicissitudes and changing was a period of great magnificence in the twelfth century, when a coterie of accomplished artists founded the "School Casauriense. We carry past the entrance to the abbey walls. The stone facade with a portico with three arches. Inside, among the many artistic elements, stands the Column of the Paschal Candle, the magnificent pulpit adorned with precious sculptures and altar, where there is a Christian sarcophagus containing the relics of St. Clement. In the town of Castiglione visit two other churches. The first is that of Santa Maria Assunta, inside which we admire a crucifix of the Neapolitan school of the seventeenth century, and some paintings of the eighteenth century. The other is the Church of San Francesco, which unfortunately today it retains only the entrance and a wooden altar of 1500. Here we are finally at Palazzo De Petris built on the ashes of a castle built by the Monks of the country. In the kitchens of housewives in Castiglione Casauria a typical dish is the "Marra" paliatelle, vegetables and lamb entrails cooked together.
The last section of this route leads us to Pescosansonesco.Its location at the foot of Mount Picca can enjoy magnificent views that extend from the mountain into the valley of the Pescara. Just before entering the village, we stop to visit the thirteenth-century Church of San Nicola, built with large stone blocks. Some of his paintings are now miraculously still visible despite the damage caused by the lack of coverage. In the Church of St. John the Baptist are housing the remains of the young blacksmith Sulprizio nuncio, the future protector of the workers, who was beatified by Pope Paul VI in 1963.
Nunzio was very small when he lost his parents. The next death of his grandmother was raised by an uncle blacksmith who beat him and forced him to continually work hard. Left to himself, was hospitalized for an ankle injury that would not heal, an uncle of Naples, pity, took him until he died at the young age of 19. Those who watched his remains about a sweet smell from the wound. The shop where he worked Beato is located in the upper part of town, close to the walls of the Castle of Sansoneschi.And in this regard, we recall that the name derives from the union Pescosansonesco of the term "fish", ie rock, and "Sansoneschi" to indicate the family to which appartenenva the ground. At this point the last visit to the ancient Church of Santa Maria Assunta: the front door and stone frescoes of the interior does not date back beyond the twelfth century. Particularly beautiful is here represented in the fresco of Christ the Judge "Judgement."