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C.da Granaro, 15 65019 Pianella Abruzzo Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Website Contact Person: Chiarieri Ciriaco Phone: 085.973313 The family Chiarieri produces wine and olive oil since 1927 in the framework designed by the hills of Pescara, 200 meters above sea level. The work of three generations dedicated to the earth and its fruits. Ciriaco Chiarieri is a practical man of great presence, the engine company. Preceded it in the guide dell'atività family's father John, who with with welcoming and a gentleman of the past, embodied today in the shape and in the manner the substance of the company that has the merit of having built continuing the work the founder Ciriaco. Chiarieri I have never succumbed to the lure of fashion, they betrayed the philosophy of hard work and thoughtfulness that always accompanies the name of the company and allowed access to a respectable position in the national food scene. The future of the company is represented by the children, the fourth generation, which will have the task of continuing the process of growth already firmly on track. |
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